Privacy Policy

VIAM (Voice in a Million) takes your privacy concerns very seriously and is committed to keeping customer information confidential and used solely for the purpose of serving you better and we strive to provide you with all of the information and tools which you need to make good decisions.

We respect your privacy and security as much as you do.

We undertake the following measures to ensure a high level of privacy for our customers.

  • There is a compliance or responsible officer who deals with security of information and personal data.
  • All employees are briefed on the importance of personal data and security and confidentiality of information obtained.
  • We control physical security in relation to the information and personal data that is contained at our facilities and restrict access to the computer rooms, technology areas, equipment and other facilities where unauthorised access by people could compromise our security.
  • All proprietary or confidential information, including personal data, is contained on computer and any that is contained and stored on manual files are locked up and secure.
  • We seek to control access to the information and personal data, including existing procedures for authorising and authenticating users as well as software controls for restricting access and techniques for protecting data such as encryption. We use software to monitor and log access so as to assist in detection and investigation of security breaches and any attempted breaches where they occur.
  • We endeavour to maintain a business continuity plan as a contingency plan, which identifies our business functions and assets (including personal data) which would need to be maintained in the event of disaster and set out the procedures for protecting and restoring them if necessary.
  • We train our staff on security systems and have relevant procedures in place. Accordingly VIAM staff are aware of information security issues and they can go to the relevant officer with any issues relating to the Data Protection Act/Privacy or personal data.

When transacting with our company you are dealing with VIAM only.

We completely comply with European GDPR legislation and guidelines and never share or sell our data.

However in order to function as a business and to provide an adequate level of service, VIAM does need to store some information about you and this part of our website is devoted to explain how we capture and store data, how this is used and how you can control it.

How we use your data

When you take part in one of our events or shop with us, we will only ask for personal information such as your name, email address, billing address, product selections, credit card or other payment information in order to send out your goods in a timely manner. If you are a school registering for one of our events, we may request further information including contact details for accounting purposes.

We may also collect information about where you are on the internet (such as the website you came from, IP address, domain types like and .com), your browser type, the country where your internet service provider is located, the pages of our site that were viewed during your visit, and any search terms that you used.

All payments are processed through Stripe or Paypal and we are not provided with and do not keep any record of your payment card details.

We will only email you to process your order and afterwards if you have given your consent with news of our products or updates regarding our events.. We will never pass on your email address or personal information to a third party.

Data Protection

We treat all your personal information as confidential.

The information we hold will be accurate and up to date. You can check the information that we hold about you by emailing us. If you find any inaccuracies, we will delete or correct it promptly. We also provide an option for you to safely delete all data we hold on about you, including your purchase history.

You can view / access all your details we hold here

All of our sites and subsites are SSL encrypted(Secure Socket Layer) and all information and data collected is encrypted when transmitted.  You can see in the URL our secure padlock sign and https.

Your choices about data we collect


1.Voice in a Million Client database.

We collect all relevant information for schools and groups wishing to participate in one of our events. This information is stored on; and (Teachers/ School Portal) The information is deleted from our servers within 60 days after the date of the event you are participating in.  You can edit your information in your user profile in the school portal and this will automatically edit any details we store. You can also delete your account in full by emailing and we will manually delete all records containing your personal data.

2. customer account

When you make a purchase from our store, or buy tickets, or pay for auditions, workshops, rehearsals etc. We keep any details you enter for the purposes of completing the sale. We do not hold or store any credit card details and all payments are processed through Stripe or Paypal both of which have secure servers.


At Voice in a Million, we value the privacy of our visitors and customers. We also know that people are concerned about how their online activity can be monitored, and what information is shared with other companies.

One of the most common ways websites track and save information about their visitors is through the use of cookies. A cookie is a small file of text, often encrypted for privacy, which is used to store information between visits to a website. Modern internet browsers allow you to see what cookies are currently stored on your computer, and selectively delete them as you wish.

We use cookies to keep track of your current shopping session so that you may retrieve your shopping basket at any time, and to personalise the contents of our website as well as to ensure a consistent experience. We also use cookies to track how visitors interact with our website to monitor how we are performing. No personally identifiable information is stored in these cookies.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a commonly used online tool that allowsVoice in a Million to see how well we are doing when helping people shop online. It records information including how you reached the VIAM site, the location that you are browsing from, and what browser you are using. We can then see how people used the VIAM website to purchase from us. Google Analytics is invaluable in helping us improve our service. We never pass any personally identifiable information over to Google.